By Doren Aldana
Have you tried mortgage Facebook ads with the hopes of generating a steady stream of quality mortgage leads, only to find out it was a complete waste of time and money? Do you see other mortgage pros crushing it with Facebook and wonder what you’re doing wrong? Do you ever wish you could just by-pass the trouble and struggle of trial and error, and just get straight to what works?
You’re not alone.
In fact, that’s exactly how Penny Wrightly felt, after 18 years in the mortgage game. She felt like she was getting pulled in a million and one different directions at the same time, and was struggling to stay focused on the right, high-value activities. She was “busy” but not always productive. In her own words, she was her own “worst enemy” and was on the verge of “burn out”.
With a team of 30 brokers, doing over $100M/year in funded volume, Penny was already super “successful” by industry standards, but felt like she was just scratching the surface of her potential.
She put it like this: “I have a hungry team – I want to feed them leads. I want all my team to be super successful and in order to do that, I need to lead by example”.
So, to make a long story short, Penny enrolled in our Client Acceleration Formula, and she’s taken off like a rocket ever since.
Fast forward…
After just 4 days of launching her mortgage Facebook Ads, Penny has already generated 85 leads, 4 applications and another 12-15 hot prospects who are still in the process of completing the application.
That’s a cost of just 47 cents per lead!
How awesome is that? Isn’t that insane!?
Would you like to hear the whole story from Penny herself on she’s getting such wicked results?
Here’s a quick little audio clip from our recent members-only Q&A call, where Penny shares the full scoop…